Are you interested in joining one of the best known and well-established Soccer Ref Programs in Virginia?

Referee reffing

What Refs are Saying:

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“My favorite part is reffing the younger age groups and seeing the little kids have fun.”

“Being a referee was my first ‘real’ job and has provided me with many opportunities through the years to meet lifelong mentors, build my confidence, and learn valuable communication skills that I have been able to carry on through adulthood.”

“Refereeing has given me a sense of responsibility and has taught me how to be a leader and take control in situations.”

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U9 U10 U11 U12 U12 U13 U13 U14 U14 U15 U15 U16 U16 U17 U17 U19 U19
Center Center Center Center A/R Center A/R Center A/R Center A/R Center A/R Center A/R Center A/R
$60 $60 $70 $70 $25 $70 $35 $70 $35 $80 $40 $80 $40 $90 $45 $90 $45

CCSL Travel Referee Pay Scale

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U8 U10 U12 U12 U13-16 U13-16
Center Center Center A/R Center A/R
$21 $24 $29 $18 $42 $21

CCSL Rec Referee Pay Scale

Laws of the Game App

Football Laws and Regulations

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Clarke County Soccer League referee reffing a game.
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