About CCSL Rec

CCSL's recreational league (U6-U16) is open to all registrants regardless of experience/skill level. The purpose of recreational soccer is to provide an opportunity for players to have fun, learn the sport, and develop life skills -- including a lifelong love of the game.

Our Rec soccer program is primarily devoted to the enjoyment and development of soccer players without the emphasis on travel or high level competition. We aim to allow every player to play a minimum of 50% of all games and experience playing various positions. 

Each season, teams will play anywhere from 7-9 games. Rec teams in U8, U10, and U12 practice 2x per week. Rec teams in U6 and U13/16 practice once per week. All regular season Rec games are played on Saturdays at Chet Hobert Park.


  • What are the soccer options in Clarke County?

    The recreational league is open to all registrants and we aim to allow everyone to play a minimum of 50% of all games, regardless of experience/skill level. CCSL runs 4 divisions for rec soccer: U6, U8, U10 and U12. Each season teams will play anywhere from 7-9 games and typically teams practice 2x per week (except U6 which practices once per week). All games are on Saturdays.

    The travel program is designed for more advanced players and elite gameplay. Players may tryout for CCSL travel teams. Teams play versus other travel teams in Virginia. Most travel teams play approximately 4 home and 4 away games each season, practice more frequently during the week, participate in tournaments and offseason conditioning programs. For more information on travel soccer programs, visit our travel soccer page.

  • Does CCSL make up canceled/rained out games?

    Not all canceled games are rescheduled, especially at the younger levels. If both teams involved wish to reschedule a canceled game, they must notify the CCSL representative and the Referee Coordinator of their desire to reschedule and a proposed date/time. Once the game is rescheduled, the coaches will notify team members. Rescheduled games will take priority over practices for field access, but all impacted parties must be notified in advance. Some seasons will have an entire weekend dedicated to making up rainouts.

  • Why are the soccer division age breakdowns by calendar/birth year instead of being in line with the school-age breaks?

    Since 2016, CCSL adopted the implementation of age group registration by the calendar year, as recommended by Virginia Youth Soccer Association, US Youth Soccer, and mandated by the U.S. Soccer Federation. Read more.

    If your child is on the edge of a break and wishes to play up with their grade, please note this on the registration form. Players may play up a level on request, but older children may not play down a level.

  • When and where are practices held?

    Practices will be held on weekdays from either 5-6pm or 6-7pm. The U6 teams practice one night a week. All other levels practice two nights a week. The practices will be held at the Clarke County Parks & Rec fields. Each parent is responsible for getting their child(ren) to the practices and games. The practice days and times are determined by the coach, therefore, the actual practice days for your team will not be known until teams are assigned.

  • What equipment is needed for each player?

    Each player should come to practice and games prepared to play. Shin guards are mandatory for all players. They should also bring soccer shoes (molded soles), socks, a ball, a water bottle and dress for the weather. Shirts will be provided for games and must be worn for games. Long sleeve shirts can be worn under the team shirt. You may be able to obtain needed equipment through our Equipment Exchange program. 

  • When will I find out which team my son/daughter has been assigned?

    The teams are finalized after late registration and after the coaches' meeting, which includes the setting of practice day(s)/time(s). Coaches will notify team members in the weeks following that meeting. The CCSL website will be updated with team information and practice schedules, as well as game schedules.

  • How many seasons are there and when do I need to register?

    There are two seasons each year (Fall and Spring). Registration for the Fall season is usually held in June and July, with the actual season running from late August to the beginning of November. Registration for the Spring Season is usually held in January and February, with the season running from late March to early June. Each season consists of 7-8 games per team, held on Saturdays, and two nights a week of practices (except our U6 division, which practices only one night a week). When open, registration is offered online only.

  • Where can I find a copy of the rules?

    The rules can be found on the US Youth Soccer website, under Small-Sided Game Rules.

  • Who does the draft apply to?

    The draft applies to U10 and U12 players who have not already been drafted on a U10 or U12 team.

CCSL player taking a right footed shot on goal.
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